30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you find the item you ordered is not what you had in mind, you may return it at your cost for a full refund. Please contact us if you would like to return an item and we will send you merchandise return instructions.
Lifetime Guarantee on our Broadforks If you ever have an issue with your broadfork, contact us for return, repair or replacement.
1-5 year manufacturer warranty on most King of Spades tools: King of Spades any style, shovels, rakes, hoes, specialty spades. Call us if you have an issue with any King of Spades/ WW Mfg product.
Limited warranty on pruners and other cutting tools and small hand tools. Our manufacturers don’t warranty these items for the most part. Call if you are having an issue and we can see what options are available for repair or possible replacement.
Flame weeding torches Call or email if you are having trouble with your Red Dragon torch. There are some simple fixes for certain problems like decreased fuel flow/low flame. We can also give you tips on the best ways to use your torch.